Viageo Tour Operator
+39 3485116218
Viageo Tour Operator
+39 3485116218
4 Nights MADINAH 3* - B.B. + 6 Nights MAKKAH 5* - B.B.
Od 604 €

4 Nights MADINAH 3* - B.B. + 6 Nights MAKKAH 5* - B.B.

Vytvorený: piatok 6. januára 2023 - Odchod: streda 18. januára 2023
Ref ID: 4162319
Celková cena Od 1.209 €
Vytvorený: piatok 6. januára 2023 - Odchod: streda 18. januára 2023
Destinácie: Madinah, Mekka

Váš deň do dňa

18 jan
Doprava z Džidda do Madinah
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...08110
11:00 - Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Intl
12:48 - Madinah, Madinah City Center
1h 48m 25 KG Nepretržite
Trieda kabíny: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

18 jan
1. Madinah
O destinácii: Medina je mesto na severe od Mekky a druhé najsvätejšie mesto islamu. Mesto pokoja a pokoja, kde sa nachádza mnoho historických a archeologických lokalít spolu s niekoľkými historickými bojovými miestami islamu. Madína je bohatá na kultúru, dedičstvo a múzeá. Rozsiahle plantáže dátľovníkov a staré tradičné trhy (Suks) spolu s modernými nákupnými centrami a arkádami sú v tomto meste hojné. Yanbu je domovom niektorých z najkrajších pláží, kde slnečné lúče hladkajú jeho koralové útesy pod morom ako maľba jedinečnej a zriedka videné krajiny. Je to mesto kreativity, ktoré súťaží s inými mestami po celom svete. Madain Saleh je pred-islamská archeologická lokalita svetového dedičstva UNESCO nachádzajúca sa v provincii Al Madina. Je tiež známy ako Al Hijir. Keď vstúpite do oblasti, ocitnete sa obklopení prepojenými horami a samostatnými skalnatými útesmi na rozsiahlej krajine. Madain Saleh bola hlavným mestom a dôležitým mestom Nabatejcov po Petre v Jordánsku.
Viac informácií
22 jan
Doprava z Madinah do Mekka
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...01143
14:50 - Madinah, Madinah City Center
17:09 - Makkah City Center
2h 19m 25 KG Nepretržite
Trieda kabíny: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

22 jan
2. Mekka
O destinácii: Mekka alebo Makkah sa nachádza na západe Saudskej Arábie a je najsvätejším mestom v islame. Každý rok sa do Mekky hrnie milióny pútnikov. V dôsledku toho sa tu uskutočnilo veľa stavebných prác, aby sa postaralo o ubytovanie pútnikov a rozšírenie samotnej mešity. Do svätého mesta nemajú povolený vstup ne-moslimovia. Mekka má tiež veľmi bohatú históriu, pretože je to veľmi staré mesto, ktoré sa považuje za posvätné už od skorého stredoveku. V centre mesta Mekka sa nachádza Posvätná mešita, považovaná za najsvätejšie miesto v islame. Kaaba sa nachádza v centre Posvätné mešity, všetci moslimovia sa modlia smerom k Kaabe, o ktorej sa verí, že ju pôvodne postavil Adam a obnovil ju Abrahám a jeho syn Izmael. Ďalšie hlavné miesta, ktoré treba vidieť v Mekke, sú Mina, vrch Arafat a Jabal Rahma, jaskyňa Jabal Al Thur a mešita Masjid e Taneem. Nepochybne je Mekka jedným z najduchovnejších miest na Zemi.
Viac informácií
28 jan
Doprava z Mekka do Džidda
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...05120
12:35 - Makkah City Center
13:29 - Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Intl
54m 25 KG Nepretržite
Trieda kabíny: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

Celková cena Od 1.209 €
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