Viageo Tour Operator
+39 3485116218
Viageo Tour Operator
+39 3485116218
5 Nights MAKKAH 5* - B.B. +3 Nights MADINAH 5* - B.B.
Des de 1.190 €

5 Nights MAKKAH 5* - B.B. +3 Nights MADINAH 5* - B.B.

Creat: dimarts, 10 de gener del 2023 - Sortida: dimecres, 18 de gener del 2023
Ref ID: 4190235
Preu total Des de 2.380 €
Creat: dimarts, 10 de gener del 2023 - Sortida: dimecres, 18 de gener del 2023
Destinacions: Mecca, Madinah

El vostre dia a dia

18 de gen.
Transport de Jeddah a Mecca
Haramain High Speed Railway - ... 05101
10:35 - Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Intl
11:29 - Makkah City Center
54m 25 KG Directe
Classe cabina: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

18 de gen.
1. Mecca
Sobre la destinació: La Meca o Makkah situada a l'oest d'Aràbia Saudita, és la ciutat més sagrada de l'islam. Cada any milions de pelegrins acudeixen a la Meca. Com a resultat, hi ha hagut molta construcció per adaptar-se a l’allotjament dels pelegrins i les extensions a la mesquita. Als no musulmans no se'ls permet entrar a la ciutat santa. La Meca també té una història molt rica, ja que és una ciutat molt antiga que s'ha considerat sagrada des de la primera edat mitjana. Al centre de la Meca hi ha la Mesquita Sagrada, considerada el lloc més sagrat de l'islam. La Kaaba està situada al centre de la Mesquita Sagrada, i tots els musulmans preguen en direcció a Kaaba, que es creu que va ser construït originalment per Adam i reconstruït per Abraham i el seu fill Ishmael. Altres llocs importants per visitar a la Meca són Mina, el turó d'Arafat i Jabal Rahma, la cova Jabal Al Thur i la mesquita Masjid i Taneem. Sens dubte, la Meca és un dels llocs més espirituals de la Terra.
Més informació
23 de gen.
Transport de Mecca a Madinah
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...01120
12:00 - Makkah City Center
14:20 - Madinah, Madinah City Center
2h 20m 25 KG Directe
Classe cabina: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

23 de gen.
2. Madinah
Sobre la destinació: Medina és una ciutat al nord de la Meca i la segona ciutat més sagrada de l'Islam. Una ciutat de pau i tranquil·litat, on es troben molts llocs històrics i arqueològics, així com diversos llocs de batalles històriques islàmiques. Medina és rica en cultura, patrimoni i museus. Hi ha extenses plantacions de dàtils i antics mercats tradicionals (Souks) juntament amb moderns centres comercials i arcades en aquesta ciutat. Yanbu és la llar d'algunes de les platges més boniques, amb la llum del sol acariciant els seus esculls de corall sota el mar com una pintura d'un paisatge únic i rarament vist. És una ciutat de creativitat que competeix amb altres ciutats de tot el món. Madain Saleh és el lloc arqueològic preislàmic del Patrimoni Mundial de la UNESCO situat a la província d'Al Madina. També se l'anomena Al Hijir. Quan entres a l'àrea, et trobaràs envoltat de muntanyes interconnectades i penya-segats rocosos separats en un paisatge extens. Madain Saleh va ser la capital i una ciutat important dels nabateus després de Petra a Jordània.
Més informació
26 de gen.
Transport de Madinah a Jeddah
Haramain High Speed Railway - ...07131
13:00 - Madinah, Madinah City Center
14:54 - Jeddah, King Abdulaziz Intl
1h 54m 25 KG Directe
Classe cabina: Economy
  • Customers are responsible for ensuring they hold a valid ticket applicable for their entire journey for the day, time, train, route and class mentioned in the ticket, before boarding the train.
  • Customers must bring the valid ticket to travel and a personal identification document when traveling which will be presented at the request of the Train staff.
  • Children under 12 years of age are not permitted to travel unless accompanied by an adult and shall always travel with a valid ticket.
  • For children under 2 years of age, they hold a valid ticket without seat assigned as they shall always travel with an adult and shall occupy the same seat as the adult.
  • All tickets are non-transferable, and can only be used by the named person on the ticket.
  • The ticket offices will close 20 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • The boarding gates will close 10 minutes before the stated departure time.
  • Customers must sit in the coach and seat number allocated to them on their ticket through their entire journey.
  • Baggage will not be permitted on board trains without a travelling customer.
  • Lost, forgotten or abandoned property and all those items of unknown origin which are found on-board the trains or at any railway facility, will be kept for a maximum period of 2 months.
  • It is strictly prohibited to smoke in all station facilities and inside the train coaches. Failure to comply can lead to penalties.
  • Customer’s dress code on board trains must be in accordance with the traditions of KSA.
  • Transporting animals is not permitted.

Preu total Des de 2.380 €
Aquesta idea inclou
Destinacions 2
Transport 3
Allotjaments 2

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