Costa Deliziosa stands out as a true jewel within the Costa fleet, representing the ultimate essence of Italian style. This project is an amalgam of art, where polished steel and Murano glass are intertwined in its decoration, reaching its climax in the "Sfera" designed by Arnaldo Pomodoro. To experience a cruise aboard Costa Deliziosa is to step into a unique adventure, where every detail, from the numerous amenities to the thoughtful décor, is conceived to provide absolute comfort in all areas of the ship. Whether you're looking to relax or participate in our wide variety of onboard entertainment programs, you'll feel completely at ease. In addition, we offer exclusive spaces and activities adapted for young people and children, guaranteeing an unforgettable experience for the whole family.
斯普利特俯瞰着亚得里亚海,是一座城市的瑰宝。它原本是一个巨大的海滨宫殿,罗马皇帝戴克里先为他的退休建造。古罗马城镇的长方形墙仍然存在,宫殿大厅已成为街道,其房间现在是房屋。它是克罗地亚第二大城市,是亚得里亚海东部海岸线的经济中心,并设法平衡传统与现代。戴克里先宫仍然是这座城市的中心。宫殿的上方是一个神话般的混乱。长方形宫殿的四面墙和主要大门提供简单的方向。靠近水边的南部的青铜门通过前皇家公寓下面迷人的洞穴酒窖,进入庭院Peristyle。就在Peristyle内部,一个黑色的狮身人面像仍然守护着戴克里先的陵墓,因为变形器进入了Sveti Duje大教堂;教堂的内墙上布满了精美的石雕和木雕。老城区很小,但它受到联合国教科文组织的保护,几乎没有现代感。 Narodni Trg广场是该镇古老核心区内最大的开放空间,毗邻戴克里先宫的西大门。广场是旧核心的灵魂,也是斯普利特居民的常见交汇点。在广场上喝咖啡和在这里结交朋友是大多数当地人日常生活的一部分。第一个市政厅占据了整个广场。这是一座15世纪的宫殿,拥有美丽的哥特式装饰。紧挨着它的是文艺复兴时期的贵族家族Karepic的宫殿,其立面上有独特的徽章。老城区狭窄的街道非常适合迷路,在炎热的夏天非常凉爽。里瓦(Riva)是斯普利特(Split)的海滨,咖啡馆和餐馆排成一排,是享用咖啡或欣赏美丽的亚得里亚海(Adriatic Sea)和帆船的理想场所。斯普利特嗡嗡作响,充满活力,是必看的目的地。