Embark on the Costa Fortuna and discover why luck is on your side on the high seas. This majestic ship pays homage to the golden age of ocean liners, with décor that evokes the glamorous 1920s and authentic reproductions of advertising posters from the era. Immerse yourself in a world of elegance and luxury at every turn, from the gourmet restaurants with nightly changing menus to the exciting entertainment options that include theater, lounge bar, pools, Jacuzzis, game room and casino. With the Costa Fortuna, your cruise will be an endless experience of fun and sophistication.
巴勒莫的生活非常激烈。人和建筑物紧紧地挤在每个可用的空间中,混乱的市场使狭窄的人行道无法通行。郁郁葱葱的花园存在于狭窄的狭窄街道上,烘干的衣物就像是公共喜庆的节日横幅。漫步罗马到Corso Vittorio Emanuele,欣赏广场和繁华的大教堂。 Palazzo dei Normani是一个非凡的风格融合,其拜占庭马赛克提醒了这座城市的黄金时代。 San Giovanni degli Eremiti教堂的遗址矗立在拐角处,其粉红色的圆顶屏蔽了异国情调的修道院花园。西西里国家美术馆位于Palazzo Abatellis,拥有一系列精美的绘画和雕塑。在早晨,不要错过庞大的露天Capo市场。巴勒莫的大部分夜生活都发生在蒙德罗的海滩区。在那里,您可以加入漫步的年轻意大利人群,从海边厨房小摊品尝鱼类并吃冰淇淋。